I don’t know who needs to hear this, well, read this.

Oh wait, yes I do.


2022 was the most unforeseen, most depleting, year of my entire existence due to my inner dialogue, and readjusting to coexistence with others in my personal space.

All this “stress”? Mind induced.

What is it about our inner thoughts? The thoughts that can either hold us back, or for those that know better, can “aircraft ejection seat” us into the atmosphere and allows us live out our dreams, out loud?

I have been the former since moving back home.

It’s funny, not really, that my entire upbringing and bloodline live and breathe, “broke, ration, I don’t have enough”.

It came to me yesterday when I said just that, “I don’t have enough right now”. I cannot believe I said that, out loud nonetheless.

Not once did I ever think that in the 10 years I lived on my own.

That all ended this morning.

I will no longer overthink sh*t. I will no longer blame myself for being in this situation.

Everyone is exactly where they are supposed to be at this exact moment. It’s what we do in “this moment” that either will keep us unhappy or happy.

I choose to be happy. I choose to no longer think, or overthink, how things will play out.

This also includes here at Baroque Medusa. What started as musings, and posts on whatever, quickly went downhill once I overthought how I wanted this site to be portrayed.

Why portray?

Just be.

With that, join me. Let’s be happy together. Let’s stop caring. Let’s start living.

PS: Odd that this self-realization is before tonight’s New Moon? I think not.

“Just let go” – Tyler Durden
