Alone in her thoughts, she walked. As she sauntered, she reached to turn on her JBL. Before her gel tip fingernail could touch the power button, she retracted. Today, she was going to walk in silence.

With the sun more than half-way through its afternoon cycle, the traffic picked up. Motorists were now on their commute home. She was alone, to an extent. With the vehicles approaching, and then whizzing by, she was reminded that she had the perfect life.

Reaching her destination, she reminded herself that others would kill to be her. She finally had the perfect job. One free of drama, micro-managing superiors, and of co-workers who did not pass the buck. After a year of going through jobs, five to be exact, she manifested this job out of sheer frustration.

On top of that, she’s learned how to co-exist, once again, with her now older mother. Sure, there are days where she wants to pull her hair out, to walk away and never come back. Then, she’s reminded of her mother’s unconditional love, and everything that poor woman had to deal with when it came to raising her. She was not a somber daughter. She was the defiant, do as she pleased, daughter.

Laying her head on the pillow, she gave thanks. Unlike earlier in the day, this time the gratitude was from the heart. With her energy reconnecting with her spirit, all was right in her world again.

The sky, turned a deep navy blue, as the sun let out its last ray of light. Close to nodding off, she said one last thing aloud, “I deeply and completely, love, accept and forgive myself.”

After almost 48 hours of self-inflicted pressure, the burden disappeared. She was whole again. Her energy with the Universe returned to its natural state, symbiotic.

She is me.

She is Baroque Medusa.

self-therapy journaling
Checking your gratitude attitude will always realign your being with the Universe

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