My first series, Feet Pose Maven, just dropped on Kindle. Kindle Unlimited members can enjoy it for free!

Series Summary

Step into the stimulating world of “Feet Pose Maven”, a debut monthly series that unravels the titillating tale of a young woman entangled in a transactional foot-focused friendship. Unbeknownst to her, she is thrust into the secretive underground foot fetish scene by her male companion, Rockland.

As she discovers the luring mix of desire, financial gain, and the intoxication of power, she chronicles her escapades and struggles in intimate diary entries. Join her as she navigates the seductive labyrinth of pleasure and profit, where every step unveils a new layer of temptation and self-discovery.

Volume 1: November ’23

November 2023, the debut book in the new series, introduces the diarist to the foot fetish underground scene by attending her very first foot fetish party.

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