Join us in celebrating a fantastic milestone as Baroque Medusa and PAHMOANAH BULITZ commemorate one year of podcasting. This special episode is packed with engaging discussions on Father’s Day, where we uncover the best and worst gifts according to dads surveyed. We also dive into current events, including the U.S. House passing a bill requiring males aged 18-26 to be automatically drafted. In addition, we raise a glass to Pabst Blue Ribbon on its 180th anniversary and take a nostalgic trip down memory lane with the band Sugar Ray and the 25th anniversary of Limp Bizkit’s hit “Nookie.” Whether you’re a long-time listener or new to the show, this episode promises a mix of laughter, insights, and good times. So, pour yourself a double and enjoy the delightful nonsense that Baroque Medusa and PAHMOANAH BULITZ bring to the table.

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